This document is for historical reference only.
Creating a thttpd webserver
We understand that needs of website owners are different. For some (like us), keeping it simple is key. Others enjoy a more feature rich environment. We have therefor installed two clusters of webservers on our backends. One runs apache (described here) and the other runs thttpd, described in this setup document.There are benefits from an administration point of view to thttpd. It is generally faster, easier to deploy, and has a minimal configuration and machine footprint, and its use generally forces website owners to be stateless, that is to say easily replicatable to multiple thttpd backend webservers. This creates a much higher availability because we can tolerate any webserver failing.
Incidentally, we bind port 1080 on the thttpd server. This is okay, because it is not going to be serving traffic directly! It will be a backend to the HA Proxy servers (and they of course do listen to port 80).
A1) Using OpenBSD
1. Install needed ports (packages)
sudo su - export PKG_PATH=`uname -r`/packages/`uname -m`/ pkg_add -vr thttpd mkdir -p /etc/thttpd /paphosting/thttpd chown -R paphosting:paphosting /etc/thttpd /paphosting/thttpd echo '/var/log/thttpd.log\t\t\t644 5 250 * Z "pkill -HUP -u paphosting -U paphosting -t - -x thttpd"' >> /etc/newsyslog.conf
2. Put haproxy in rc{.conf,}.local
sudo su - cat << EOF >> /etc/rc.local if [ X"${thttpd}" = X"YES" -a -x /usr/local/sbin/thttpd ]; then /usr/local/sbin/thttpd -C /etc/thttpd/thttpd.conf \ -i /var/run/ echo -n ' thttpd' fi EOF echo thttpd=\"YES\" >> /etc/rc.conf.local
A2) Using Ubuntu
1. Install needed packages
sudo su - apt-get install thttpd mkdir -p /etc/thttpd /paphosting/thttpd chown -R paphosting:paphosting /etc/thttpd /paphosting/thttpd mkdir -p /usr/local/sbin ln -sf /usr/sbin/thttpd /usr/local/sbin/thttpd
B) Configuring papthttpd
1. Add the machine to config/thttpd.hosts
On your client, add the hostname (any hostname or IPv4 or IPv6 address to which you can connect on the ssh port:svn update echo ${HOSTNAME} >> config/thttpd.hosts svn commit config/thttpd.hosts
2. Ensure you can SSH into the machine as paphosting
From your client, try to SSH as paphosting into the machine. Once you're there, you should make sure that the paphosting user can start the thttpd and run the thttpd_reload script as root:sudo su - cat << EOF >> /etc/sudoers paphosting ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/local/sbin/thttpd paphosting ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/local/sbin/thttpd_reload EOFYou should now be able to run sudo /usr/local/sbin/thttpd_reload as the paphosting user to HUP the running thttpd.
3. Force a push of the thttpd sites and configs
On your client, try to do a thttpd pushscripts/ -v -n # If this looks good, then: scripts/ -f
4. Check to make sure it works
You can now use the machine to serve sites (by putting this machine in the haproxy backends list, assuming of course that you have verified it actually works, something like:curl --fail -I -H "Host:" ${HOSTNAME}:1080 [ $? -eq 22 ] && echo "Oops, this failed!!"You can also hack in /etc/hosts but please make sure to clean up the override when you're done!
EOF :)