Installing smokeping system

A) Using OpenBSD

Work in Progress.

B) Using Ubuntu LTS

1. Install packages

The only thing we need is the smokeping package, it will pull in all necessary dependencies. However, smokeping also wants to present itself via a web user interface, and relies on apache2 to do so. Therefor, it is convenient to run smokeping on machines that also run our webservice, see the setup for Apache before continuing here.
apt-get install smokeping
cd /etc/smokeping
chown -R paphosting:paphosting config.d
rm config && ln -s config.d/config

2. Allow paphosting permissions

We'll want to copy config files which are hosted in our RCS, and then restart smokeping to pick them up:
echo "paphosting ALL = NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/smokeping" \
  >> /etc/sudoers

3. Push Files

Now that all is setup, from a management host push the files, from svn/paphosting dir:
echo $HOSTNAME >> config/smokeping.hosts
scripts/ -v -f $HOSTNAME
You should be able to see Smokeping appear on the following URL: